It needs a little work. The chains are rusty. The wood needs a sealant. I'm considering colors. Like most things, I want to live with it a while before I paint it my first consideration, Haint Blue. I'm afraid it might be too much color. I wouldn't want to detract from the flowers that will surround it come next summer.

This is the rose that lived for about two months by the front door. I found it in the woods just behind the dead oak tree. I have no idea what it is. I'm hoping for more blooms next year. It's had a rough life with me so far.

I'd like to use plantings to enclose this area a bit. I've certainly got to find a new home for the pampas grass and pine currently sharing the same space. I'm determined to do something about that oak stump behind it. Even if it means covering it with an aggressive vine. I've already scattered morning glory and red cardinal climber seeds around it.
paint it "flamingo" pink or "Margerita" green. I'm so glad the swing holds more than one person:)
Your rose Looks like a rambler. It could get HUGE.
The first color I thought of was blue before you even mentioned anything about painting it. I think other colors really pop against blue.
Whatever color you paint it, it will look great in your garden!
I am amazed at the color Monet used in his garden, bright green to repeat foliage color. It really could look like a sculptural form no matter what color you paint it. I saw a guy paint a dead tree bright blue as a garden decoration among modern planting of grasses in square shapes.
Love that swing. Whatever color you paint it will look great I'm sure. You have all winter to think about the colors. I love that fallen tree in the background, so earthy and natural looking. I think you'll be spending time out in that swing next year enjoying the fruits of your labors.
I had never heard of "Haint Blue"! Must be my Yankee routes! It's a great swing, no matter what the color ends up being!
It would be nice to preserve the grain in the wood. Maybe use a couple coats of wash made from dark Savannah haint blue...
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm really not sure what color I will paint it, if at all. I'm now leaning towards a sage green. That could change of course when the cosmos are in full bloom next summer. I've been tossing pulled plants around this area for the past few weeks. I'm sure those seeds will germinate in spring. Once you have cosmos, you always have cosmos.
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