What ever will I do today? I haven't decided.
11:07am - I'm on my fourth cup of coffee. I took some pictures outside.
From the back, back yard. The meadow garden is in the foreground.

A dogwood, a maple, and the China fir near the neighbor's corner.

One of my 10 cent asters is blooming again.

Mr. Lincoln is not having a good day. He's almost done.

The "Orange Rose" is blooming again. Pink buds are at the top of the bush, but have not opened yet. This one needs some serious attention to pruning in the spring.

I'm still in my pajamas.
Tom - Maybe it's a good day to stay inside with a cup of hot chocolate and dream and plan. I would gladly trade weather with you - we're headed for 90 sunny degrees and it has been a long time since we've had measurable rain. Yesterday I planted a little Midnight Valencia orange tree, today a little lemon tree is going in the ground. Enjoy the rain for me! Take care and have a good day!
- Daisy in AZ
You ain't just a kidding about the rain! Guess you could clean....me, well it's obvious, I'm blogging...
Not only is it raining, the wind is blowing. I kept waking last night to hear gusts of wind and rain. DH cleaned the house gutters yesterday, we secured every loose thing and we are waiting for this to pass. Even the pets are snug in their huts.
Rather dreary in Atlanta, as well. Fortunately they keep revising the rain forecast, so we're not going to end up with the 5 to 8 inches they were ranting about yesterday!
It's been the perfect morning to stay inside and start some dreaming/planning about spring, while Sadie the Dog and Frank both nap on the sofa!
I'm sure after 4 cups you will be stir crazy being inside. You sure do get great deals on garden stuff, I guess I could learn a thing or two from your frugality:-), hold on it will clear up soon.
We've been having tons of rain here too. It's hard to look out at all the work that needs to be done when it's to wet to work.
Hang in there Mr. Lincoln just a little bit longer... Your house sits nice on your property. It is a great looking area. You definitely are going to have fall. I didn't know if you would have or not.
Hi Tom,
I like the way your posts frequently read like diary pages.
It looks like you captured some lovely fall colors there.
Thanks Ya'll. The wind picked up overnight and the rain has been very hard at times.
Sue, I started this blog to be my diary. I never thought I would have 50 people following me. It's nice to know (and see) what others are doing too.
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