I told you that today was full of possibilities. I did manage to get the basement clean. It didn't stay that way for long. I built me a chair loosely using a pattern from
Popular Mechanics Magazine. The legs are built from pieces of treated decking material left over from the rebuilding of the deck this summer. The arms are made from scrap pine from another project. The rest is made from those two pallets I ripped apart last week.

And before you ask, yes. It is very comfortable. I will finally be able to sit down outside somewhere other than the front steps.
Hey, Tom,
It looks like the link I used to get to your site was for the one post. I'm going to go check at the last post about blogging to see if it's for your home page. You can ignore the comment I made about posting your projects. I had checked your blog a couple other times, too, though, and can't remember what link I was using.
I just enjoyed catching up on your other posts. I'm sorry you were sick, and by this post, I assume you are feeling much better. Don't overdo, though!
Congratulations on being 35 on the list. Have you figured out how to check for messages on blotanical? It took me awhile to realize that.
Tom, it's sleeting here right now - ick!
Boy how I envy you your basement workshop!
I really enjoy your blog!! (I got a bag of exclamation points for Christmas and I'm using them all up before they go bad...!!) ;-)
Man!! i just love that workspace AND your chair!! sorry to hear you were sick!! that totally sucks!! vinegar and lavender oil spray works wonders!! no colds in the past 2 years!! i spray it all around the house. ~Medo
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