The front walk beds have really popped this year. Very pleased with them.

The colors and combinations work for me.

I can't have enough coneflowers.


There's beans. Golden Wax.

And yellow squash.

The potagers enjoyed the rain. I hope we get more tonight.

I've been hand watering these Rutgers. The beefsteaks need to be tied soon. The purple Krims are still small.

88 degrees and the temperature is falling. We came home from the lake early today. It was a good day. Can't really complain when this is all you have to think about for 4 hours.

The colors work for me as well!
Re: Vinca/Madagascar periwinkle. It does not begin to come up until the weather is hot, hot. Mrs. Cox down on Lake Seminole told me to go out where the bed was last year and stir the soil. I find that just pulling up whatever is done (larkspur, Black eyed Susans, poppies) is adequate stirring if the ground is soft. Mine are mostly just coming up, so yours should be along momentarily. The older the strain the better they return, new hybrids are iffy.
Ok, you reminded me that I can't get enough coneflowers either, but where are they this season?
Time to plant some more. Yikes.
I love your wit and I love your garden.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Rain? What is that? we haven't seen any rain in weeks anymore, at least not in our neighborhood.
It is just plain dry and hot down here in N. Houston, TX. Even too hot to spend a day at the lake actually.
Paula Jo
Wow, your borders are a riot of bloom! And your veg patch is teeming as well. Great to see your posts and the fantastic photos of your garden.
Have a great weekend. Michael
I really, really like your mix of perennials. So cottage-y and homey!
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