I toiled all morning as the mosquitoes swarmed. I swatted at bees while a black kitty slalomed between my ankles. I braved the intense heat of the morning sun to collect my prizes. I've worked diligently for the past 50+ days preparing for the harvest. I'm just glad I don't have to be self-sufficient. I'd starve by early next week.

It's 81 degrees. Another 90-ish day with 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms. It rained Thursday night. Hard. For about 10 minutes.
Haha! I'm sure there would be a lot of people that would starve....anyway, your small harvest looks wonderful...
Thanks EG. I just have enough room in the beds for a few things. I keep thinking of turning the whole backyard into a veggie patch, but that'd bring in more wildlife for sure. Rabbits can't be far away.
Love the new header!
This is why I don't have a vegetable garden, I'm to impatient, guess I'll just continue to let the Wednesday Farmers Market grow everything for me!
May not feed you 24-7, but those gems have to taste like nothing else you have ever had!
Way to go, these look yummy. we have been eating carrots for some time.
Tom, you might consider just a small area, maybe 10x10 or so. Fence it and you will be amazed at what you can grow.
I am a serious devotee to vegetable gardens!
Self sufficiency is only a dream in the early part of the season. lol.
I'm with Wanda - love the new header. Everything there looks so lush and colorful, as does your harvest. :-D
Wow, another person who grows purple beans! Also, gardening wouldn't be nearly as fun if your life depended on it, right? :)
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