Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The last of May.

Bring on June. It's supposed to be 97 here today. It's 82 already.


  1. Wow...I can't believe how far ahead of us you are...my Black & Blue Salvia are just barely a few inches tal!

  2. Your flowers are looking so good. I know you go in and out of very hot weather but they look like they are faring well in you climate.

  3. it's hot here too....my white datura are blooming like mad though! i am so excited by them and have to thank you again and again for the inspiration! i have planted seeds of other colors and types. 7 new plants are growing nicely in big pots out front and i can't wait to see what they become..:)

    your garden looks gorgeous as always!!!!!!!


  4. Wow, a wonderland of flowering. I hope you have had more rain than us. We are so dry for this late in the spring.

  5. The Black-eyed Susan is magnificent! I think this summer is going to be scorching! Beautiful gardens!

  6. We've had a lot of rain this spring. We got it all at once, but there was a lot. The ground in places is still damp. We've got more rain in the forecast Wednesday and Thursday.

    I've just sort of let the garden do what it does. I don't care if it flops, something else will be along shortly to fill its space.

  7. Just lovely, and yes about the weather. Here in Pittsburgh, it is cooler today than it was earlier this week, and we are all rejoicing.

  8. So nice to discover you! I moved from Michigan to NC a couple months ago and am having a great time finding out just what I can grow in this splendid climate:) Though the heat is already a little much for me, lol. I look forward to skimming your backlogs and following your adventures:)

  9. Hey Tom,
    sounds like you guys are having the same heat as we are here in the Houston area. Today' temperature is supposed to be 99 but I bet it will go over the 100 again. Ahhhhhhh!
    At least you got some rain. Our last day of rain was sometime in January and it's hard to keep everything in my garden well watered in an unusual drought like that.
    Best Regards and Happy Gardening
    Paula Jo

  10. Such lovely flowers. Your devil's trumpet is absolutely stunning! I didn't realize they were a perennial in this zone. I'd love to have one planted here, but given that I'm restricted to a patio that I've filled with edibles, I'm just too afraid of my 4 year old mistaking the vine for an herb. I wonder if it would do well in a hanging basket?
