And another is somehow hung in the big tree it fell against. Don't ask how I got to this point. It's not a pretty story.

Time to call dad.
It's 36 degrees and misting rain. Going to be a soggy wet day. We should get into the mid 50s by afternoon when it starts to rain again. I'm off from work with nothing that I must do today aside from paying a bill. Life's good. I might sow some seeds.
You probably don't need to be taking down trees by yourself! Hope you are dialing your Dad right now.
At least you didn't get the chainsaw hung up in the tree! We did that when we first began using one.
Hey, make a loaf of bread today!
(saw your comment on Flowerlady's blog).
I ordered seeds today. Optimism runs supreme!
I had a friend here watching. I really thought it would hit the other tree and roll off. That's what I was trying to do. I guess my geometry needs a brushing up.
is this what is called a "potential" widow maker?
Nah. It's not gonna hurt anything no matter how it falls.
I hope it does fall and you don't have to get a tall ladder to cut the branch holding it. That is more dangerous than leaving it hang. I am glad you are a little warmer. The green is a welcomed sight for this polar bear.
It's hard to tell but I hope that is an English Ivy and not Poison Ivy holding that tree up! Be careful getting it down!
Looks like English ivy vines holding them together....
Yep. English Ivy. It grows on everything in the wild.
so what happened with the tree?
It's still hanging.
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