Uphill both ways from the house is no way to go to work in a rear wheel drive truck. I called it a snow day.

Ice coats everything. I really cleaned the basement today including vacuuming the dust from the top of the air ducts. I gave it a good once over. The house is warm. The music is loud. I'm off the next two days. It's 30 degrees and falling.
looks like you got a little more than we did. But the roads will refreeze tonight. Black ice, instead of Vanilla Ice.
That ice looks wicked, be days before it leaves. We were lucky about an inch of snow, misted all day but barely any ice.
Looks freakin' cold. Just heard on the news that every one other than Florida received some snow, go figure!
Bless your heart, a snow day is definitely worth calling in. I wouldn't want to drive in those conditions either. I have a hard time driving in rain. I don't like heavy traffic, and am always so glad to be back home.
You had a good day and are staying warm. That's GREAT.
Enjoy your next two days off.
Wish we had snow in this part of the world..It'll make a whole lot of difference during Christmas.
Cheers and Happy New Year
Rear wheels are bad on ice. I find it entertaining though that four wheelers really do have the same kind of trouble on ice and snow. We see a lot of them in ditches not doing what they are promoted to be doing, staying on the road. Stay warm. I want you to warm up so we will warm up. We are hitting way in the negative temps tonight and the old house is already cold.
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