A few plants are not only thriving, but just coming into bloom. The Helianthus augustifola is performing wonderfully. Near the street where it gets the most sun, it's easily over 10' tall. I was told to cut it back in May. I didn't. I wanted to see what it could do.

It's huge.

For old time's sake, here's the "Sunday Ritual" photo from the normal spot. It's taken over this corner. I think it even killed off the Mountain bluet that was preparing to swarm the area. Bee balm and Black & Blue salvia on each side might help contain it a bit, but I doubt it.

On the other side of the Helianthus, there's a couple nice clumps of Purple Queen. It's got tiny pink blooms. I took cuttings a week ago. I want to add more to other areas. In between, there are large clumps of Rudbeckia triloba. The one plant I had last year turned into dozens. I've begun weeding them like crabgrass.

Brugmansia. The first of the year. I had to water this plant a lot in the past weeks to get a bloom. The buds were drying up and falling off without assistance. I should containerize a couple for the winter. Or take cuttings. I'd like to take a yellow and a pink with me.

There's plenty going on in the yard, but the most important happening is the sign.

I've eliminated some information, this is the internet after all. The woman I call "Gramma" has been on her back porch almost the whole morning on the phone. From her perch, she can see what goes on in a few parts of the yard. The sign is very visible from her door. There'll be people who want to know why I'm selling. I have my reason. That's as far as I plan to discuss the details, in real life or on the internet. I apologize to anyone who wishes to know more.
Off from work today, there's an afternoon nap on the schedule already. It's going to be a lazy day. I'm going to move a few stones in the backyard. They don't need to be watered if transplanted. It's 82 degrees.
well, it's your blog so you can post as much or as little as you like. i do hope you continue to blog, wherever you are. i really enjoy reading it especially when you talk about making new plants by cuttings. i've never been real successful with that so i like to live vicariously through your efforts. good luck!!!!
Yay for huge plants! Boo for nosey neighbors!
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