Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rain and taxes

It's raining this morning. At 54 degrees, the sky is a dark gray and is expected to stay that way most of the day. We could have some thunderstorms moving in later this evening according to the forecast. I don't think my veggies will be planted today. Based on the almanac's suggestions, the 25-26 would be the most favorable days for planting this month. I think I will wait. That should give my seedlings a chance to catch up and I can set everything out at one time. It might even give the lime I tossed out yesterday some time to work into the soil with all the rain we've been having. The leaf mulch is somewhat acidic, so the lime is needed to bring the pH back into the correct range. The tomato bed was prepared with all the ashes from my wood heater this winter. I couldn't believe how soft the dirt was yesterday when I was planting out.

With the weather being so ugly, I guess it's a sign that I should stay inside and get my taxes finished. I hate this time of year for that reason even though I celebrate the last chance of frost at the same time. I guess a few more hours of entering numbers and calculating the results should take care of it. Last year was not a good year for my business. That's why I decided to take a job elsewhere. I think in the end it worked out for the best.


  1. 2 inches of rain last night and the sun is coming out this morning....and the taxes are done.......good luck!

  2. Tom, completely off-topic, but how did you post the picture of the weather map in the previous post?

  3. I open up the browser, do a PrintScreen using the key near my numberpad on the keyboard. Paste the image into a photo program like Irfanview. Then I crop, save, and upload. You can't right click and save. It's a flash program image, I think. So screen capture is the only way I know to do it.

  4. Thanks compost. I've got my expenses charted. I made nothing last year, apparently. ;)
