Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A good day.

Yesterday turned out to be a fine day. First, I got a lot of things done in the yard. I direct sowed marigolds between some of my tomato plants. I planted out some perennials and the cherry tomatoes in a small bed in the back yard. I planted out several wintersown cups of nasturtium and direct sowed Black Eyed Susan vine near the birdfeeder in the perennial bed. I walked around and looked at everything. I was surprised to find a lot of growth on many plants I have been ignoring for just this occasion. The coreopsis Full Moon that I divided this winter is going nuts. The Shastas are getting huge. Wintersown sprouts have become plants seemingly overnight.

Dame's Rocket

Cupid's Dart

Linaria Flaming Passion has a bloom

Coreopsis and shastas

The knockout roses are looking really good

"Sunny" yellow knockout

The clearance rack wigeila is blooming

Golden Jubilee Anise Hyssop - the foliage jumps out at you

The red dogwood is in full bloom

Old oaks and maples out back are filling out

A volunteer buddleia is returning

The newly planted lantana is happy with the rain

The irises I brought back from my sister are planted. Lantana in the cloner has roots. Petunias are just starting to root. Everything is loving the cool weather, rain, and spotty sunshine. In fact, I took a few minutes yesterday to lay in the hammock and watch the birds. I saw an owl steal a baby squirrel from a nest. Normally I would feel bad about it, but I have some missing crocuses that I'm pretty certain one of these squirrels had a hand in.

But the best part of the day, without a doubt...six percent. That's my new interest rate. All I have to do is sign the paperwork. History: When I got the mortgage in June of 2007, I was self-employed and considered a risky borrower. Long story short, I accepted a higher interest rate just to buy a house. It's been a challenge to say the least, but now, my mortgage payment is more in line with what it should be for this house. Better yet, it's finally cheaper than renting.

I almost forgot, I received two calls yesterday about new model projects. One is a project in San Diego. A college buddy called and asked if I was interested. The other is another house project that should be ready to build in a couple to three months. It's going to be another busy summer. Yes, I know I said I was tired of doing it, but paying off debts and installing a new kitchen is never far from the front of my mind.

Can anyone identify this plant? I let it grow to almost 4' last summer and it never bloomed. I moved some of it this spring since it was growing beside the walkway and eventually I mowed it down. I want to see what it is. There are clumps of it all through the yard.


  1. I say it looks like Obedience Plant. A crazy spreader in my yard. Blooms in mid to late summer and takes over my yard. But it does pull up easily enough I just have to get out there to do it. You got a ton done, don't you just love spring.

  2. We must have similar taste in flowers, I have almost all of the same ones. I can't wait to see yours all blooming. I'll have to see if my Dame's Rocket reappears this year, it's sort of dwindled away.

  3. Heather, spring is my favorite time of the year. The changes are noticeable daily here. One morning you wake up and another iris has opened up. And a plant you weren't paying attention too has started getting noticed.

    Catherine, I can't wait for these to bloom. I started them last year from seed. I have divided and chopped and broken them into all sorts of pieces. And each time, the clumps just get bigger and bigger. The wintersown flowers have really impressed me. They're growing at 50 degrees. And they're strong. Even my wintersown buddleia is taking off.

  4. If not obedience plant, then goldenrod (solidago). I can't get outside right now to look at obedience plant to compare the mystery plant.

  5. Thanks Nell. I'll post more pics as it grows. Glad to see you back. Hope everything at home is well.
