Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter has returned

This time, it's personal.

This week will likely present us with our coldest temperatures all year. The lowest lows are forecast to be in the mid-teens with highs in the mid-40s. It's 30 degrees and sunny.

I'll be spending most of my day looking for a job, again. My only gardening task today will involve moving any sprouting wintersown containers to the hoophouse. After all my seed trading and collecting, I don't want to lose these seedlings due to extreme cold. I noticed some nicotiana sprouts this weekend. They'll need to come indoors since they are annuals and not likely to survive the coming temperatures.

All of that wood I chopped yesterday will come in handy this week.


  1. We're expecting the cold snap up here, too. Let's hope for the best and we won't lose our perennials.


  2. We, too, are ready for the cold snap. Thankfully last week's 'snow event' gave us 8" of snow to cover all the perennials. I hate it when plants and small shrubs have to suffer deep cold and high winds without snowcover. Keep warm, Tom.
