Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunny Sunday

It rained again last night. Must have been a good storm. I slept through it. It's partly cloudy and 50 degrees. The few rays of sunlight are a promise of what is coming.

I'm not sure what I will do today. There are dishes to wash, floors to sweep, the basement of course needs to be cleaned again, and coffee to drink. I had better get started on the coffee.

2:31pm - I finished the trellis.


I used the chainsaw to chop up the rest of the pallets for firewood. It's a lot of work using a hammer and a chisel to break them apart, and I can't think of anything else to build with them. With the coming cold weather this week, having a hot fire in the basement will be nice.

The sun never came out. It's still cloudy and 52 degrees. The daffodils don't seem to mind.


Nor the ditch lilies at the end of the driveway.


There's even a sprout on the very tender purple queen surrounding the oak tree.


The 'Full Moon' Coreopsis is putting out lots of new growth. I need to divide this next month.


The camellia is still going strong.


Each week, I try to take a few pictures of the yard from the same vantage point. At the end of the year, I will be able to create a slide show with the 52 images showing the progression across the seasons. Right now, it's obviously pretty dull, but here's today's image.


I finished early today. With no more chores on my list, I think I'll head to the grocery store. I've got some beef in the freezer and I'm thinking of making a stew. I need some potatoes and onions. Maybe next year, I can eat the ones I've grown instead.


  1. How neat to see all of your beauties peeking out from under their winter covering. I love your arbor and the view that you will be taking weekly to show the progress during the year. I think you've just inspired me to do the same thing. Now, which view should I take? Mmmmmm.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. I have several views. This is the one that will show the most growth over the season. I already have perennials in the bed that were started last spring and fall. The rear bed will be mostly veggies and some companion flowers. The North bed will be all hostas for now. Don't limit yourself to one. The beauty of a garden is found in the different angles it can be expereinced from.

  3. Say, that arbor looks spiffy, Tom. You've done a lot of work! Must have been some pretty good coffee you had this morning! ;-)

  4. I like the arbor with the peak. Is it built with pallets? I like to use them to build things for the garden, but DH thinks they are way too hard to take apart. I like it that so many of them are oak.

    Good idea about photographing the garden weekly. I know I see a lot of change in my garden over a week's time.

  5. Yep. I built it from motorcycle pallets. They're mostly oak and pine. The Adirondack chair was made from regular pallets. I might put a coat of paint on it this summer. I might just let it age.

  6. I like the idea of taking pics from the same spot once a week. I take frequent pics, but not always from the same vantage point.
