Lowe's had landscape timbers on sale. Normally, these would be used horizontally on the ground. At $1.97 each, I couldn't pass up buying 4 of these. I already had the Quickrete in the basement and the 2x6's for the upper supports. Next week, after the concrete has cured, I'll cut and install the headers and cross members. I may even use limbs cut from trees in the back yard to give it a more natural feel. See, I make plans. I just don't always stick to them.
From the front walkway.

From the driveway.

Looking back at the house.

I also got my birdfeeder back up using a piece of fencing rail I snagged from my dad's collection.

And finally, the camellia is blooming. It was here when I bought the house. I chopped it down because it was so large. I'm very happy with the way it's coming back. It's one of the few plants in my yard that blooms in winter.

I forgot to check to see if you left a comment on the gardenweb, but if you didn't, what name do you use there?
Oh, I make plans in my head sometimes, but don't always follow through, either. I think my husband would say I'm the queen of changing my mind.
Hey Sue. I'm token28001 on GardenWeb. I need to add a link to GW I think.
I see you got your link added. You should post here about all those contraptions you are building. I see you joined blotanical. Go to the blotanical page, on the left, scroll down to the section, "Most visited blogs" and click on "more". You will find your blog there. You are number 35 right now, out of a whole bunch. On my computer, the "more is sometimes blocked or almost blocked by the section on the right.
I think people who visit blotanical blogs would like to see the things you are building to grow seeds, etc. I love your posts on the cottage garden forum. There's nothing wrong with posting the same or similar things in your blog. Old gardeners love seeing the enthusiasm of newbies.
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