Wednesday, November 30, 2011


In November. The camellias are confused too.


  1. i have paperwhites blooming in the yard, too. every now and then they manage to open up around thanksgiving. yuletide is the only camellia blooming, but professor sargent's buds are showing some red.

  2. two weeks ago we were in the high 70's here and i spent sunday afternoon on the porch sweating - now it's dipping into the 30's. The camellias are not the only things confused... i am too. I'm ready for Spring.

  3. Tom,

    I found 3 places with blooming Tazetta narcissus which I'm told they might no need a long period of cold weather to bloom. The ones I found were in Wilmington, NC last Saturday.

  4. Rhododendrons and narcissus are blooming along with the camellias in Atlanta.....looks like a roller-coaster ride for winter!

  5. Hey Tom! We finally are dipping into the 30s tonight, so I'm crossing my fingers that the bulbs I planted in my Brooklyn garden will decide to pack it in for the winter and wait to show up until next spring. Trees still have plenty of leaves on them though!

