Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pisgah Inn

Off the side of the parkway somewhere near Asheville, my friend Tom took me to the restaurant of this seasonal hotel. The rooms all overlook this view. The restaurant where we ate did too. The solidago is stunning. In person, small dots of light purple from the natvie asters are scattered about. The leaves will not be at their peak for about another two weeks, but the Flora is fantastic.

It was 46 degrees here when I finally got out of bed. The wind chill has put a damper on the Blue Ridge Pride festivities in downtown Asheville.  Looking forward to a most interesting afternoon.


  1. What a wonderful view. It is a tad cooler here and for that I am thankful.


  2. Yesterday felt like our first real autumn day. The air was cool and crisp, the sun was shining and the sky a bright blue. My favorite time of year...
