Ditch lilies are blooming.

Asiatic Lilies too.

Red Hot Pokers - Torch Lily.

Hydrangeas from rooted cuttings. I planted these over 2 years ago. I rooted them in the cloner that I no longer use.

Ligustrum are blooming. Eventually they'll grow large enough to hide the neighbor's ugly chain link fence.

It's been cool the past few days. We got more than 3 inches of rain in my yard. The official tally is a lot less, but they are a few miles away. There was spotty flooding in some areas just 10 minutes south of here. That's not unusual when we have a few days of rain. The sun is shining now. Temperatures are climbing back to normal. By Sunday, we'll be in the upper 80s, maybe 90. It's been a long spring. That's unusual.
When I got back to NC,....I thought it reminded me of England. With all the rain and low temps. It is gorgeous here! Luv your lilies.
Awfully wet here, too. Gosh, I wonder why? Like the ladybug.
Love your lilies. I've got buds on my ditch lily. Your hydrangea is gorgeous.
Wow, you 'quit' using your clone machine?
What are the lovely purple bloomers behind the red hot pokers?
Enjoy your cool weather and your rain. Cool weather is pretty much a thing of the past down here, and we sure could use some rain.
Things look good at your place. Dry here. I have ditch lilies, the original old orange with scapes as tall as me, hybrid daylilies only a couple or so generations from ditchlilies and hybrids in glorious colors. They are all wonderful.
Why do my red hot pokers always act as if they are not going to bloom and then bloom a month after everybody else's?
FL: The purple blooms are from the gobs of larkspur all through the beds. It's really put on a show this year. No need to use the cloner when I have most beds nearly full. I might start it back up later if something strikes me.
Nell, I have no idea. I started with one plant from seed and now I have 5 clumps. They don't all bloom every year. Only two are showing blooms this year.
Glad you got some rain; we did too but not that much.
My daylilies haven't even budded yet.
I do see some larkspurs and am delighted.
I love that red Asiatic lily.
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