Friday, October 15, 2010

Deep Thoughts.

I'm not channeling Jack Handy. I just took a few moments today to enjoy the yard. It started by looking for color in the trees out back. A few strands of Virginia Creeper has turned bright red. They're high up in the elms, maples, and oaks that live back there. Closer to the house, a dogwood that overhangs the Neighbor's Corner shows just a splash of the show to come.

The redbuds hang on to their hearts even as the temperatures dip into the low 40s. There's a little yellowing closer to the trunk.

Pyracantha hums.

The nandinas are blushing.

Beautyberry swells with delight.

Pokeweed steals the show and rides off into the sunset. It matches the shutters and front door. I know I will regret this in the spring.

I took a seat in the chair I built one late January night at the start of 2009. I was coming off a cold and needed to build my energy level back up. I remember that little wood heater just blasting me with hot air. It took me about 4 hours. I was covered in sawdust. The basement was trashed. I was proud of my work. I made it from recycled motorcycle pallets and part of the deck John and I tore off the north side of the house. We rebuilt that in one afternoon, smaller and more towards the rear of the house.

The chair is no more.

Okay, it still exists. Just part of it is laying on the ground. It's shoddy work, really. I was using it as a pattern always thinking I would buy real wood and make a pair for the backyard. The swing arrived this past Easter. It was built for two. The chair was shuffled around the yard to mow. I finally left it under the oak tree that is in the process of releasing its offspring thanks to gravity. They hurt.

Before that happened, I did get a shot of what it was like to sit there, having a smooth cup of decaf coffee. This bed was reworked a few weeks ago. Purple butterfly bushes and Agastache Heat Wave were installed. One pink hibiscus was moved to the corner. Pink and white veronica were also dug and moved along the front edge. It should blend nicely with the pink and red knockouts on the slope. Next year should see a big jump in growth. The For Sale sign is still in the yard. It started leaning with the last rainfall. I should probably call someone about that.

Behind me, that big pile of wood that needs to be attacked. I figure that wood will last me a couple months at most. I need another tree or three. I won't cut any more down here. It's just starting to fill in after the loss of the old oak in July 2009. I swear it feels like I just finished splitting wood. And June seems so long ago. Time behaves oddly as you get older.

But the cycles continue. The plants know when to bloom. They know what they're doing. I almost pulled this one out a few weeks ago. I was getting rid of the mums. I decided to leave one of each. I'm really glad I left this one. I'll be taking it with me. I like the color of pink in the fall.

Just like last year, the Pineapple Salvia screams in the late afternoon. I'm seeing bees, but no hummers lately. I hope it's not too late.

It's 72 and clear. Tonight was made for snuggling. She's not having it.


  1. GAWD...go buy an plane ticket!

  2. Tom, love that pink mum too. I have some bronze beauties that came back and I took some cuttings this summer and made several more plants. Will add more next Fall from these. I want some nice color of purple mums too.

  3. Sorry you lost your chair. I remember you making it. Love your bloomers and see I was right about guessing that that red bloomer is pineapple sage.

    I love seeing everything that is still blooming there, especially those pink mums.

    What a pile of wood to split. No wonder you want to move somewhere warmer.

    Felines are finicky, wanting food and attention when they want, not necessarily when we feel like it. :-)

    Have a nice Saturday Tom.


  4. You are smart, you'll construct another chair. My husband was getting pounded by acorns yesterday afternoon, they do sting a little. I can't recall seeing a mum so vibrant, love it!

  5. Fall always seems like a time for reflecting on the year past. What went right, what went wrong and how many trips to the nursery will it take to fix them.

  6. Well, if the chair isn't fit to sit now, bet it will keep you warm in the woodburner. ;-D Yes, my fave mums are pink - they contrast nicely with the flaming fall foliage here. The eye also likes the cool blue of the salvia.
