It's not for sale yet, but I did meet with a Realtor this morning. She took measurements and asked about appliances, HVAC, who did the countertops, loved the colors and the yard, and told me she would be in touch either this evening or tomorrow. Once she pulls some comps, it will be put on the market if I feel the money is right.
I'm impressed with her so far. I called her this morning about 9:30. She's already gotten information from the county GIS website and had more information than the Realtor I used when I bought this house in 2007.
Because I know some will ask, probably Charleston, maybe Savannah. But none of that is set in stone right now. Anywhere that the winter temperatures rarely dip below freezing for more than a few nights at a time will suit me. I've been planning it for a couple months. I've got some minor things to finish inside and out. I've been working on making the yard more appealing to people who don't garden. I'm no longer doing this for me, but for the next homeowner.
With sales in town the way they are, and a weakening economy, it could take a while to unload the house. I'm hoping within a year. Six months would be even better. I have options in case a transfer at work isn't possible when I do sell. Carla says I can stay with her. Or I can rent a place for less than I'm paying here. Both would be temporary.
It's 90 degrees and sunny. Not a cloud in the sky again today. Tomorrow will be even warmer. In a couple weeks, it will be back in the 80s/60s.
Holey Moley ~ This is not what I expected your news to be. I hope all goes well for you Tom.
Good Luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
I had a feeling you were up to something..I was going to mention it in my comment the other day that your postings had taken on a different feel. If this is what you want then I'm cheering for you. Whatever though, I do hope you continue to blog...if not, you will be greatly missed Tom.
Yes, please, do continue blogging your new adventures. :>) I don't often comment, but do read every day. Good luck.
Oh Tom, I'm so sorry to hear you may be moving. I have certainly enjoyed your blog. I hope you will continue blogging after you move, I love reading what you do in your garden. I don't have much sun in my garden (Cary) so I love how you spread out your plants to reach the sun. Good luck on selling your lovely home. Hugs, missjane
Good luck with the house sale. Did your realtor give you any suggestions on whether to keep your garden intact, or make it less of a garden?
We've spent the last few evenings looking at homes for sale in France. Just dreaming! :-)
Thanks. I will keep blogging. Even if it becomes a patio garden or something of the sort.
As for the gardens, the realtor suggested leaving it intact, but I have already started dismantling some beds and will be sowing grass seed this fall.
I hope it goes well. Just waiting on the numbers before I actually list it.
Bad timing, your either have to sell cheap our wait a long time for it to sell. Betting it is now worth 90% of what you paid for it, unless you got a really great deal on the house to start with.
say it ain't so...
with all the great things you've done to the house, somebody's going to snatch that house up and you're going to be out on the streets. The great kitchen and the redo of the bathroom -
don't settle... expect great things!
It is somehow sad to see you move and to leave your hard work behind. I hope your next house has heat where you are not chopping wood all winter. A bit too jurassic for me.
But then when love is in the air, who thinks of indoor plumbing,eh? :)
That was fast! When you started the thread at CG asking what plants you'd take with you I thought you were thinking a couple years down the road ... not a a couple months. Has it even been that long?
I guess it shouldn't come as surprise ... you tackle everything with a fervor.
Best of luck! Can't wait to see where you next call home.
Cindy (natal)
shush up randy. no negativity allowed >:[
i like the 'for sale' sign thomas. bigger and better things await, my friend. just make sure i can get to you in a day :*
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