Saturday, July 3, 2010


I took my morning stroll a bit late today. There was nothing that jumped out at me to photograph. Lots of plants have wilted again and it's only 81 degrees in the early afternoon. Last night, it was in the low 60s. Everything seems to be just managing, not thriving.

When I started this blog, it was a place for me to keep track of what I do, what blooms, and other gardening/house related items. With the summer upon us, I'm going to take some time off. I've got some friends scheduled to come for visits soon. I need to finish the countertop in the kitchen and a little paint on the trim I put in yesterday. The hallway paint is done too, thanks to Jason.

So now, I'm coasting. I might still post the weather each morning. However, it's no longer going to be something I feel I have to do. Of course, as I make changes to the garden, I'll be sure to update those. The house projects are on hold or nearly finished until the weather turns cool.

I hope everyone has a great summer. I'll still be reading your blogs. Thanks for reading mine.



  1. Hi Tom ~ I think about taking a break also, then I see flowers blooming and grab my camera and up pops another post.

    You will be missed. Enjoy your time off from blog land.

    I know I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures of your kitchen when it's all done and garden scenes once again too.


  2. I sense a lot of people are cutting back on the blogging. I find I get myself so involved in projects that it just isn't possible to keep it always going. My reading of other blogs gets put off and I think that is the part I like most. Enjoy the rest of the summer. We are having your kind of weather today with huge amounts of humidity and 81 degrees hot or more. Another storm is on it's way. Take care.

  3. ack! you can't leave...i'll miss you...xooxxo

    but i do understand. every so often i have to pull back and just coast as well. can't wait to see updates, even if they are going to be scattered. enjoy your time my dear friend!!


  4. Hi Tom: Enjoy your gardens and enjoy your summer.


  5. It's hot and humid and rainy here in Florida.The bugs are out. Everything looks wet and yucky!I don't blame you for taking time off.Have a great summer!
    Look forward to your return.

  6. Enjoy all your special moments this Summer. Summer is a time for fun and more time should be spent out of doors - good for you taking a break from this blog. I will miss your post but completely understand.

  7. Enjoy your vacation. Hope the house projects go well.
