Sunday, June 6, 2010

Steamy Sunday

Another 1/2" of rain fell Saturday afternoon just as I was putting away the lawnmower. An hour later, the sun was out again.

The ditch lilies are still going strong by the front walk.

So are the rudbeckia in the perennial bed.

The first Four O'clock bloomed last night.

Monarda citriodora.

Black & Blue Salvia is blooming.

Three pink azaleas are way behind schedule.

The squash is right on time.

It's 72 degrees. The temperature is already starting to rise. By mid-afternoon, we'll be in the 90s.


  1. How your garden grows.
    I love the squash bloom the best for its anticipation.

  2. We need that rain! The skies are cloudy right now. What a muggy day today.

    Those azaleas are pretty, but they sure are late.

    Have you ever grown heliopsis scabra 'Summer Sun' from seeds? I bought one plant to try out in the deer resistant garden. If they don't eat it, then I'd like to grow more.
