Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bloom Day

It's June 15th. Last night a wind storm came through and tore down a tree two streets over. The power was off for almost 5 hours. It warmed up a bit in the house. No painting was accomplished in the dark. And now, the blooms.

Echinacea "White Swan"

The first Sunflower.

Hot pink Four O'clocks.

Red Four O'clocks.

The first zinnia. Why are they always pink in my yard?

There's a vitex blooming in the pokeweed jungle.


Om, nom, nom. The next squash is being created.

White Butterfly Bush. This is one of the two I have. I grew this one from seed.

This creature was spotted this morning hanging from the bottomside of a weed I missed last week on the slope. I think it's molting into something I've never seen before.

It's 72 degrees. Another hot day is on tap. Rain possible. Storms likely. Robert will be here by noon to help with the countertops. I'm off to take a test.


  1. I like your coneflowers and your dahlias. This is the first summer in a long time I haven't had them -- your pictures make me want to order some right away!
    Your house is wonderful too -- carry on!

  2. Great Bloom Day at your place, once I found June -- the link went to March and I was disoriented for a minute looking at daffodils.

    Pink zinnias aren't all bad, are they? One year I decided that pink was the only color I wanted, ever. I pulled all other colors and saved seeds from the pink. Of course the next year they were not all pink and by then I decided I wanted oranges and reds and started over. I have seeds saved by color, yet to plant when it next rains. I have volunteers with tiny buds. I hope they are yellow, or red or orange.

  3. Very beautiful flowers. Even the pink ones. I have the pokeweed... now I'd like to have the Vitex! :)

  4. Hi Tom ~ Love your white coneflowers. I have a vitex I grew from seed that I'm still waiting on the first blooms. Not sure how long that will take. Did you grow yours from seed? Your dahlias are a wonderful color combo. How nice to have your own squash. I've never seen the red 4 o'clocks. I've got the bright pink and have had a pale pink.

    What kind of test are you taking? Hope you do well with it.

    Have a nice afternoon.


  5. Nell, I think it remembered my link from the last time. I linked to the post instead of my blog. I'll have to remember to make that change next month.

    FlowerLady, the vitex is one I bought. I actually paid full price last year. I have two rooted cuttings that are growing fast now that it's warmed up a bit.

    I passed. It was a motorcycle rider's test. I'd let mine lapse and I was told it needed to be replaced.

  6. Great blooms! I love that white buddleia, but I have so many right now that I can't possibly add anything that size.

    My first zinnia is orange and I sowed the seeds on March 19.

    Did someone say that they want vitex? My seeds out like a machine in fall. That said, the mother vitex is stunning right now!

    Isn't this heat and humidity just horrible!

  7. so beautiful! i love the cone flowers. if you collect seed, i'll pay you for some..:) that and the white butterfly bush. i can't find white here!

    love it all as usual..:)


  8. I had a sunflower volunteer in my flower bed right under the bird feeder - which is always filled with black oil sunflower seed! It's so pretty that I was inspired to buys some seeds and plant them. Let's hope they do as well as the volunteer (which looks just like yours!) My first zinnia bloom opened up yesterday!

  9. Here's an answer to your Zinnia question: Because it goes so well with the Four o'clocks. I dig those super-bright hot colors. Cool bug! I have no clue what that is.

  10. You have quite a swath of White Swan echinacea. Mine is still hanging in there among all its aggressive purple offspring. I like the way the white ones smell.
