Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Round and Round.

I don't remember what prompted me to check on the eight Foster Holly plants I bought this winter for 1 penny each. They were mostly dead from the cold we experienced in January. I didn't expect them to survive. They're putting out new growth. I pruned all the dead stuff away yesterday before work. I really have no idea where to plant eight shrubs that can reach 25' tall and 15' wide.

Only one of the tea olives survived. It's planted in the crook of the driveway under the oak tree.

Wintersown in 2008, sweetshrub has returned. Down the street, the flowers are holding tight, nearly ready to burst into bloom.

May Night salvia is blooming already.

The lilac at the end of the driveway is just starting.

Scattered clumps of pink dianthus from Jim at the Gaudy Garden are tossing up little blooms here and there.

Sunflowers have germinated. These are the mammoth variety. They were over 10' tall last year. I'll plant them behind the potager in the upper meadow.

It's 45 degrees. Sunny and 84 is the forecast.


  1. Seems like the Foster Holly would make a good privacy fence....

  2. I am amazed that you rooted those cuttings from the mail. You need to open a greenhouse in the country and do a business.

  3. Your Foster Holly are apparently quite hardy. I don't know what your drive looks like but it would be a nice place to put the holly, or by your walk to the house.
    Your lilac is sweet, as well as the salvia. Pinks and purples prevail in my gardens.

  4. Darla, they will likely be placed here and there around the back edge of the yard. I'll see what cuttings stuck and where they didn't, I'll dig a hole.

    Jim, I thought some had died over the winter, but they're pushing up through the mulch in places. I can't wait to spread them around the roses.

    Dar, my perennial bed is alongside the driveway. So I'll use them here and there. Good evergreens are nice to have in the winter here.

  5. Tom, you definitely have the 'touch'.

    Maybe you should consider horticulture as a new career!

  6. One cent for holly plants! And they survived. Good grief, Tom. Way to go! I'm green with envy. :-P

  7. My may night salvia is struggling this year! Yours is already blooming - wow!

    I just love the silvery foilage of the dianthus. I may have to add some this year.
