Friday, January 15, 2010

The smell of fresh paint.

It's a good smell. It's clean, fresh, new. It's permeating every room in the house this morning.

It was another beautiful sunrise at 21 degrees. A high of 59 today should set things right. The kitchen is coming together. More painting this weekend, maybe. The coffee was just right this morning. The music, calm and settling.

2:26pm - Lunch. It's 59 degrees. Things are back to normal. Busy day at the store. We're flipping all the tables back for the plants that will start arriving next week. Fruit and flowering trees are coming in. Shrubs won't be far behind. Spring arrives a little earlier each year in retail. Before you know it, we'll be putting out summer blooming annuals in November.


  1. Good for you. I know that it is hard to go back and start up again on the project but I knew you would get back on it. I was forced to finish mine as people were coming to sit at the table in that room. It was good to be done. Your house is really looking good. I went back in old blogs and saw how you improved you dining room. I bet you aren't painting green on the kitchen.

  2. Thanks LD. I really like my dining room and living room. I'm hoping to get a handle on the to-do list I have bouncing around in my head over the next couple of weeks. As soon as I start seeing green sprouts in those containers at the end of the driveway, there won't be any time for indoor work til next winter.

    Yes it was Darla. I love the smell of paint.
