Sunday, January 31, 2010

More snow pictures.

It's 30 degrees and sunny. Taken before work this morning when it was still 19 degrees.


  1. It might be cold, but it sure makes for beautiful photos!

  2. I just love the blue/purple shadows. I'm sure you're sick of snow, and I would be also if I lived in it, but those pictures are lovely. I was wondering about your winter sown babies, and there they are covered in a blanket of snow.

    Hope it warms up for you.


  3. Hi Tom,

    I'm winter sowing seeds in milk jugs,
    some have already started showing tiny leaves, some are tall and very floppy, will these become upright and stronger?


  4. Thanks FloweLady and Darla. It was beautiful this morning. At least the roads are almost clear.

    Sue, they will stand up. Some start out that way, but usually become very sturdy plants when left outside like this. If they're perennials and no snow or extremely cold weather is around, take the tops off so they can get some air movement. That'll stiffen them up a bit. Below 28, and I'd leave the tops on.

  5. Goodness, you had lots more snow than we had! And it looks like your low is projected much colder, too.

    Let's hope for more 'normal' weather soon...

  6. All those winter-sown pots are a lovely sight. So are all the little seedlings out in the open, so brave.

    Try to hang on through February. it can only get better. We expect 33 degrees tonight, then no more freeze this week. It will come again, but I can stand one winter night at a time, just not another string of them.

  7. Lisa, this week should be more normal after Tuesday. We've got more freezing rain in the forecast Tuesday night. I'm sick of winter.

    Nell, I would love to have one night or winter a week. This year has about sickened me on cold weather. I'm ready to sweat.

    Laura, you want me to ship you some snow? I'm pretty sure I can roll up a mudball.
