Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sleep tight.

The garden is officially put to bed for the winter. In less than a month, new seeds will be sown in small containers and placed out in the driveway awaiting the return of warmer weather. Until then, there's not much gardening that will take place. I'll take comfort in the plants living and growing under lights in the basement. It's how I manage through these 4 months. By April, the trees will be renewed and growth will be evident every day.

This morning, the temperature at 5am was 29 degrees. It's currently 52 and sunny. The wind makes it feel cooler.

The fig tree is finally going to sleep. It will be moved in the spring before it awakens.

Melampodium seeds were collected and others scattered throughout the perennial bed.

Nasturtiums will be replanted next year to ward off squash bugs in the potager.

Vinca will return if it reseeds. If not, a single 6-pack will be purchased.

After work today, I've got two things on my list. One, finish hanging the Christmas lights around the two front windows. And two, move the new acquisition I picked up from my sister on Thanksgiving Day. It's huge. I'll post pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. Woooo, snow on the trees at your house already. I like this one a lot. So things will go dormant for a while, it will be interesting to see when it all comes back.
