Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Clear and 32 degrees.

There's a light scattering of frost on the roof of Larry's house. It's the best place to look when I wake up each morning. The shingles were replaced a couple years ago. The owner at the time chose black. My other neighbors have brown and gray shingles. As soon as the sun tops the trees out back, the crystals turn to mist on his dark roof. At 7:30 this morning, the sky was just starting to lighten. By 7:30 tonight, it will be completely dark again. The days are short.

Today's high should be in the mid 70s. Low tonight around 38. No more freezing temps in the 10 day forecast. It's what my mom calls Indian summer. The trees are starting to take on their fall color. The squirrels are busy gathering the few acorns that are falling this year. They've nearly stripped the dogwoods of their berries. Saffron crocuses are popping up in the rental yard up the street. Only one of mine has appeared. I promptly stepped on it while trying to position myself for another picture. Violets in the front lawn are blooming again. Foliage from unbloomed spider liles is popping up all over the yard in every bed. I moved many of them last winter. I trimmed the foliage back. I should have left it to feed the bulb. The fine white line running down the center of the green leaves will last well into the spring if I don't dig them up while transplanting other things. The China Fir has dropped most of its tired limbs. New growth gives it a brighter green appearance than it's had all summer. New cones are forming. I'm never found a volunteer seedling although I have found a few seeds. The crape myrtles are turning yellow. There's new white clover growing in the bermuda grass. Virginia creeper is a fiery red. It won't be long now, warmer days or not. Fall has arrived.

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