Friday, May 29, 2009


The weather forecast for today shows sun until about 3pm, then more storms. Yesterday, it rained on and off all day. When I got home from work, I laid down to take a short nap until the storm passed. I woke up at 11pm and it was still coming down. I woke up again at 1am, got something to drink, a snack, and went back to bed listening to the rain. I had some weird dreams I won't go into here, and remember kicking the cat off the bed at one point. She was a very unhappy girl this morning when I finally got out of bed around 6am. I needed the rest. It's been a long week.

The rain has been good for some plants like these tomatoes that are trying to root in midair.

And the brugmansias.

And the pineapple sage that normally blooms in August.

And the squash, beans, and corn are loving it.

But it's taken its toll on the perennials.

I chopped some of them to the ground. If they grow back, so be it. I will not have them falling all over other plants crushing them too.

Finally, the direct sown poppy (Papaver Somniferum) is finally blooming. I think this is "Lauren's Grape"

Off to work in a couple hours. I hope things can dry out a bit before this evening's storms come through. This weekend looks to be nicer with 4 days of sun in the forecast. 5 days of rain follows that though. I didn't realize I moved to Seattle.


  1. I think we're living in the tropics!

    I planted so much lavender last week and they hate rain.


  2. My lavender is about to bloom. Provence. It's planted on a very fast draining hill though. I've never seen so much rain in the Carolinas in spring. Next week is the same forecast as this week. It almost makes me miss the drought. At least then, I was able to control the amount of water my plants received.

  3. Well if you lived in Seattle now you'd be enjoying blue skies and 80 degrees! We've had sun and 70's all week with several more days of the same predicted. Maybe there was a mix up in our weather :)
