Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Update

Nothing fancy here, just 75 degrees, sunny with rain predicted for overnight. Most things are doing well.

New buds on the ditch lilies.

Another red hot poker.

Blooming Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise"

The tomatoes are making me very happy. I'm a dad!

Direct sown pollinator attracting bed.

Squash, beans, cucumbers, okra.

Corn, beans, cucumbers.

The cabbage bed is no more. Beans have been planted.

In the shade where pictures come out blurry, the brugmansias are really taking off. The white bed is starting to fill in. Some of the rooted gardenias have a new set of leaves. The Daisy Gardenia I planted a couple weeks ago is just starting to bloom. The smell is fantastic. I paid $6.98 for a 1 gallon plant at Lowe's. Some things, I'm willing to pay full price.

The hostas on the north side of the house are doing okay. I don't like that soil either. The begonias under the dining room aren't growing too well either. I'm very unimpressed with them. I did move a few large items yesterday before work. Before I post about that, I want to see if they make it. Hopefully the rain tonight will help.

Mom's good. Happy I went to church with her this morning. Dead tired with laundry to do. I'm going to watch a movie. It's been three weeks since I've sat on my sofa.


  1. Hi Tom ~ Things are looking great at your place, especially your tomato patch. You definitely have a green thumb. Your hard work of winter sowing and cuttings is paying off.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  2. Tom, your vegetable garden is growing nice...that's alot of tomatoes! Did you at least sit and relax in your hammock, if only for a minute?

  3. Things are looking great! I love your tomato pic!

  4. You've got TOMATOES setting? In May? Aaaaarg!

  5. FlowerLady, thanks for the compliments. I do think I have a knack for this. It's been so easy especially since I built the cloner and found wintersowing.

    Lynn, I spent several hours Friday and Saturday evening laying in the hammock. After work, I fixed a beverage and watched the sky go dark. The full moon this weekend was incredible.

    Thanks Sue. I can't wait to harvest.

    Kris, Kris, Kris...HA! LOL. Zone 7 rocks!

  6. I am so glad I am not the only one who refers to my bounty as potential children. You crack me up! It all looks so good. I was wondering though, can I mulch around my onions with straw? I am trying to mulch the raised beds this year to keep more moisture in them longer. Just didn't know about the onions.

  7. Heather, Ruth Stout used straw exclusively as mulch in her beds. I wouldn't use pine straw, but wheat straw should be fine.
