Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My next project

Today I'll start collecting used pallets to build an ark. I'll choose the best two specimens of each plant I've grown and pot them up to carry on board. When the waters recede, I'll start a new garden. Hopefully, it will be in a drier zone.

Rain rain and more rain today. I'm starting to think I know how Noah felt. I wonder if he got the same joy from squishing slugs as I do?

8:23am - 61 and cloudy, wet. Some new developments in the garden.

Mountain Bluet

More poppies smashed by the rain yesterday.

Corn, beans, cucumbers - the three sisters.

More unknown plant. It's 18-24" tall now. Never have seen it bloom. Still looking for an identification.


Castor bean

6 Shasta Daisies from the clearance rack. Total cost: $1.50.

Artichoke from Carla.

Heard a weird scratching and whistling sound while checking out the potager. Bluebird babies.

Time to shower and get dressed for work. I'm ready for another day off to work in the garden. Lots of weeding to do.


  1. I know!!! It's just insane...a pallet ark would be kinda cool, though.

  2. Don't quote me but that mystery plant looks like some kind of penstemon. Pretty leaf and stem arrangement.

  3. LMAO!!!!!!!!!! OMG!! That is too funny. I know how you feel, I think lots of us feel that way right now. Then there are the bloggers who haven't seen rain in what can you do...

    Be sure to take your cloner with may need it, and don't forget the coffee. That is a MUST

  4. Hi Tom. I just wandered into your blog from...erm...someone else's and have really enjoyed reading it - even if I can't remember how I got here!

    I know what you mean about rain - but then again, I am English!!! - and it has been chucking it down here for days!

    I love the picture of your gnome!

  5. hope it dries out you always have this much rain, this time of year?

  6. Welcome Nutty. I've seen your blog a couple times wandering from place to place too. :)

    Compost, we've been in a drought for the past couple years. I don't remember this being normal though. Seems once or twice a week is what we should be having. The sun did come out this afternoon. Killed a couple small seedlings that germinated during the cloudy days. Just fell right over and died. Oh well, I have more. :)

  7. what a deal on the daisies! and AWWW on the bird babies!
