Monday, May 18, 2009

Datura bud.

Sown December 23, planted out around Easter.

Crimson Clover is also blooming. This is a good nitrogen fixing plant.

Nasturtiums and periwinkle.

Cherry tomatoes and sunflowers.

Corn and beans.

More of the tomatoes.


The perennial bed.


  1. Everything is growing like crazy there! I can't wait to see Datura and Brugmansia in bloom.

  2. I've had a Datura bloom on the yellow that came back from a root, and one of a Purple/White Swirl that bloomed what seemed to me much too small. Seems like they're blooming early this year.

    Want to tell you, that purple alternanthera is a big grower! It's bigger even than the red gets. The chartreuse is such a dainty thing beside them. Last year, the red overtook the chartreuse, which probably needed the shade, anyhow.

  3. My purple is growing like crazy too. The green and red haven't done much except for one. I think I need to pinch them now that they've settled in. My Persian Shield isn't doing much either. The ones in the containers at the store are huge compared to mine.

    I can't wait for this datura to bloom. I have a double yellow with the roses and salvia near the front door. I just hope all of them are fragrant. The white I collected these from could knock you down it had so many blooms.
