Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Mornings

Got up around 5, put a load of laundry in the dryer from last night's wash. Went back to bed until 6:30. Shower, coffee, email. It's 43 degrees and clear. Thunderstorms possible again this evening around sunset.

I cleaned the aerochamber last night. I potted up a lanatana cutting and added three red verbena cuttings to the chamber. I also stuck a cutting from a nearly white/silver climbing rose in soil and put it in the shade outside. Tonight, I plan to clean the house and basement preparing for the work I intend to get done Wednesday in the yard.

I've got lots more plants that need to get their feet in dirt. I've got zinnias and morning glories. I have moonvines with their first leaves. I have beans, corn, cukes, and squash seeds to plant on Friday. I'm going to try to finish everything on my list and rearrange those two days off to tidy everything up just a bit.

Still trying to root cuttings of zonal geraniums. They're being very stubborn. I expected roots within a couple weeks at least. Nothing on the two that were stuck more than two weeks ago. Started a new one last night in water allowing the stem to dry out for a few hours first.

Off to work now. Plant sale this weekend. Seems I overestimated the perennials and annuals and underestimated the shrubs, roses, and azalea sales. In my defense, we had never sold 800+ 1 gallon azaleas in 6 days before. Nor had we sold 300+ knockout roses in that same amount of time. I'm hoping by Friday, we can get rid of some of the extra annuals and perennials and the shrubs will have arrived to replace the missing items.

It's all a learning experience. If you don't do anything, you never make a mistake. If you do something, eventually, you're going to screw something up. I hope I learn something from this mistake. I'm still a little confused about how to estimate the public's buying plans using last year's data that is completely different from this year's thanks to the recession.

12:21pm - 64 and sunny. Thunderstorms moving in this evening again.

Checked the mail, got my replacement KONGmansia. If you haven't done so, check out World of Brugmansia. They have a great selection. Eddie is a great guy and I have bought from him a couple times now. He's in Winston-Salem NC just an hour+ up the road from here.

Mine came well packaged and wrapped. It's well over the 8" tall that was claimed. I'd say it's closer to 2 feet. I plan to strip a few of the larger leaves and get it planted this evening even if it rains.


  1. "It's all a learning experience. If you don't do anything, you never make a mistake. If you do something, eventually, you're going to screw something up. I hope I learn something from this mistake."

    That sure is the way it is. Learning, making mistakes and growing through the process.

    It sounds like your gardening inside and out is going great!

    We had a T-storm pass over us yesterday evening, dumping about 3" of much needed rain. We got some more this morning, but not as much.

    Enjoy your new job and your gardens.


  2. Whoa I can't believe you sold that many plants! That is great. I guess everyone is getting the gardening bug.

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