Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring has sprung.

I've got a long to do list. I need to update the one on the right hand side of the page. I'll be working on this over the next couple of weeks.

- plant out remaining wintersown containers with sprouts.
- take down and store hoophouse for the summer.
- plant tomatoes.
- pick up another load of leaf mulch and till the garden bed for the corn, cukes, and squash plants.
- move hardwood cuttings to a shadier spot.
- prepare for softwood propagation.
- pot up dogwoods and other trees/shrubs into 1 gallon containers.
- plant out annuals that were sown in the hoophouse.
- weed, water, fertilize, and compost.
- create new beds along the driveway.

I know there's more, but I have shower and get dressed for work. A full day today at the store with lots of PO's to take care of and several deliveries to deal with. It should be a busy day. It's 51 degrees right now and partly cloudy. My coffee is getting cold.


  1. I think you're right! My husband and I went plant shopping in Sanford yesterday and decided TODAY is the beginning of spring weather! Hope we don't get a late frost like 2007.

    You've got a big list. I'm still inside over coffee and need to get out in the garden for the day!


  2. I agree....It's time to plant! Yea! My tomatoes will be planted this weekend, as well.


  3. Cameron, winter is over for us. I declare it. :)

    EG: My tomatoes are way too large. I'll have to plant them sideways.

  4. Tom, you have a busy day ahead!
    Sounds like spring has sprung down South! We had a wonderful day yesterday, but today its not so nice!

    I mowed around the garden and came back in!

  5. Looks like a great forecast! I'm trying to decide when I should plant out my wintersown seedlings. I think our temps won't be consistently warm for awhile still. Have fun!

  6. Catherine, any perennials can be planted anytime after you get the first true leaves. I planted some of mine in January. They're getting large!
