Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I was only away for two days

But it seems the growth in the garden is remarkable. The heat of the past week has made everything jump. Black eyed Susans and echinacea are sending up buds. Petunias are blooming like crazy. Poppies are about to bloom. Even my lavender from last year has buds on it. I'll make another cup of coffee in a few minutes and spend some time walking around before work.

It's 66 degrees and overcast. Chance of afternoon showers is in the forecast.

At the Wal-Mart in Roanoke, we stopped by after dinner just to check on some clearance plants my friend had seen the day before. What caught my eye were the quart sized hostas for $1 each. I bought 10. I will try to get them planted tomorrow.


  1. Cant' wait to see pictures. When you're away for a bit you really can see a difference. I'm leaving today for a few days and can't wait to see the changes when I get back.

  2. Catherine, I'll get pictures tomorrow. My nicotiana is blooming. The asparagus crowns I planted last week are putting out growth. The roses are going nuts. Everything here is so green and vibrant. Seems the heat only helped. And none of the wintersown plants need water. They're doing great in upper 80s temperatures. Planting them out early this spring really helped.

  3. Hosta for $1? Such a deal!

    I've seen a lot of growth in my yard also; that is until the cold front moved in and the temperature fell! Hopefully warmer (and a bit drier) weather will come soon!

  4. Well I went to work yesterday and came home and had tons of blooms and buds that weren't there when I left! I could only imagine being gone 2 days what you see.

  5. Tom, I thought you must be away I went to Lowes and there were flowers stacked up all over the place and no one unpacking them. Nothing good marked down so I had to go to Concord Lowes.
    Great deal on the hosta. I got 4" annuals for .25 at the Concord Lowes.

    Rebecca in Mt. Pleasant

  6. LOL. Yeah, I over ordered a few things last week. We got most of them put up today with more coming Friday. For three months, we are the busiest section of the store.

  7. After 4 solid days of rain we finally had a dry, if cool, cloudy day. When I checked out the back yard I was shocked to see the grass had shot up 4 inches. I haven't even inspected my mower yet! Aauugh!
