Monday, March 16, 2009

Rain, part 4

Still raining. Tomorrow should be in the mid 60s and sunny. I expect to see some real progress by this time next week on all the plants, weeds, and whatever grass is left in the yard. It's 46 and drizzly now.

Another work day.

5:46pm - It finally stopped raining for a few minutes. Of course I walked around the yard.

The Japanese Maple

Loropetalum - I thought this one was dead after the winter we had.

Eastern Redbud

Mock Orange

Hostas under the oak tree

Wintersown Cupid's Dart

Thundercloud Plum

Dayflower seedlings - a real nuisance.

Volunteer Four O'Clocks by the garage door.

It's 50 degrees and cloudy. More rain expected tonight.


  1. Wow, your Loropetalum looks waaaaay better than mine does!! They sure did suffer this Winter.

  2. Tom, how do you know the names of all of those plants/trees?


  3. Yes Stu, they did. I think I lost one smaller one in the perennial bed. They're barely hardy in zone 7, but the fuscia blooms make it worth the effort. The two planted near the house are shielded from the coldest winds and warm up quick thanks to the brick.

    EG, I bought some of these plants last year, others I've had to look up. I am a firm believer in researching a plant before buying it. I use Dave's garden to read other peoples' reviews of the plants as well as the Southern Living Southeast Guide. It's got thousands of plants listed. When there's something I don't know, I use google or GardenWeb's "name that plant" forum.

    I also worked at Lowe's last year in the Lawn & Garden section. Just started back on Saturday of this week. I walk around and look at plants. When there's something I like, I look it up in the book.

    The dayflower, I had to ask on GardenWeb. All I knew was that it had a blue flower and was invasive as all get out. The seeds can remain dormant up to a decade.

  4. You have a wonderful assortment Tom. I love dayflower, and spiderwort, and some people call them weeds. LOL.

    You are very good with naming your plants. I need to make some tags for my roses, as I'm forgetting what they are. My mind draws a blank and then I have to look it up.

    It is really cool seeing your gardens changes and I look forward to watching this happen. I love your flowering trees.

    We are 'finally' getting some much needed rain down here. I am thankful.


  5. I like SOME dayflower. It just takes over if I allow it. I have to pull a lot of seedlings before they cover all my other plants. Along the woods, I let them be. I had a variegated one last year that I hope returns.
