Last year, I planted a few perennials that I purchased here and there. Yesterday, it was warm enough to get outside with the camera. Some have surprised me, like the coreopsis. Some have sat there patiently since late January just waiting for spring. I can't wait for the hibiscus plants to put out new growth. By then, spring will be a memory and summer should be fast approaching. Until then, I'm satisfied watching these plants slowly emerge from their winter slumber.
There was still snow on the ground on the north side of the house. The hostas here will probably be some of the later plants to show their leaves.
Anise Hyssop - Golden Jubilee. Beautiful lime green foliage with purple flower spikes.
Coreopsis Moonbeam. I thought this one was a goner. I'm happy to see two of the three returning.
Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise'. Orange/yellow flowers all spring through late summer with deheading. I wintersowed more seeds and they have germinated too.
Oakleaf Hydrangea. This plant has given me nothing but problems. When I started clearing the back woods, I found this tall leggy plant. I thought at first that it was a type of fig because of the leaves. I hard pruned it and it regrew to about 2' tall. Then a tree had to be taken down. It grew back to about 18" tall. I don't remember what happened to it the next time, but I finally moved it. I hope it does better this year.
Mock Orange. I moved 3 of these shrubs from the gully in late fall. I can't wait to see how they do in their new home. I expect a few blooms this year, but more in 2010.
Another coreopsis
The Lavender made it and is putting out new growth.
The Eastern Redbud is about to break loose. Once these blooms arrive, it will officially be spring in my mind. Not long after, the dogwoods will open. I moved two smaller trees to other areas of the backyard last month. I hope they're putting down new roots. I've also wintersown a dozen seeds or more. Germination can be slow and may take up to 2 years. Since they need a warm/cold/warm cycle, I sowed them in late October as soon as the seed pods were ripe.
And my arch nemesis. Last year, I had a small spot in the front bed that produced a lot of grass. When I amended that bed in December, I dug out the soil where this grass grew. Apparently, I didn't get all the seeds since it's showing up all over the front bed now. Looks like I'll be pulling grass (and acorns from the perennial bed) for as long as I own this house.
It's 34 degrees. There was a heavy frost last night. Temperatures today should be in the upper 60s, maybe even hitting 70 depending on which forecast I look at. Regardless, this weekend should be some of the nicest weather we've had since January's warm spell. I look forward to seeing what else pops up along the way.
Today's plans: work until 2pm. Sort wintersown containers for planting out Saturday.
Hi Tom, it looks like you will be busy this spring. I am not a mover, I need to learn to be. Sounds like you have good success with this approach. SPring seems to be in your area this week, even if she is hiding a bit. We woke up to 3 inches of snow this morning.
The plants I move were planted here decades ago. I would guess most are at least 20 years old, maybe older. It's cheaper to move them than to buy new ones. I can't even remember the last time I saw Mock Orange for sale here. But it's spreading like crazy in the gully beside the house. And I never turn down free plants, like the peonies I brought back from Virgina this past weekend.
ReplyDeleteIt's looking like spring in your neighborhood. I can still feel the crispy cold air, but seeing those shoots emerge reassures me that spring in all her glory is returning.
ReplyDeleteThe pears and redbuds are blooming here. It seems early, but I'll take it. I've got to get me a redbud...I say that every spring and don't do it. I wonder why? They really are lovely.
Deb, it's the first tree around here that blooms aside from the wild pears. Down the street, Bradford pears are ready to break open too. It's a gorgeous tree. Light pink/purple blossoms. They fill the forests here in NC. All along the interstates, they bloom right up until the dogwoods take over.
ReplyDeleteGosh, those anise hyssop leaves sure look a lot like a coral bell .. can't wait to see it in bloom.
ReplyDeleteThis was it last year. Bad picture, but I took overall shots to locate plants rather than individual plants. Since I've changed the layout of the garden since these were taken, it didn't really work the way I had planned. I'm starting to think that my coreopsis moonbeam is actually a perennial boltonia. Ugh.
I have an observation about hostas. Every year I read about colder zones having hostas up and growing while I waited and waited to see sprouts.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that they like a certain amount of chill. I guess they keep waiting here to see if they're going to get it. Not! Yours will be happy after that snow cover, I bet.
I've given up struggling with hostas in favor of gingers which make a better show in my climate.
Nell, I have hostas already coming up. I just posted about that. The ones on the side are just starting to bud. Those under the oak that get winter sun are up already.
ReplyDeleteI also have ginger lilies here. They smell SO good.
I bet your were excited to see all this new growth. I love my Moonbeam. I bought a 1 gallon years ago and have divided it numerous times and have it all through my yard. The sprouts you show look like the ones mine send up.
ReplyDeleteDon't give up on the Oakleaf hydrangea. Mine took a few years to start really looking good.