Last night the temperature dipped into the upper teens. When I turned on the computer this morning, Accuweather told me it was 19 degrees at 8am. I had hoped that a week of nice weather would help me get through this current phase of cold weather. It did the opposite. My fingers are numb from the cold. The coffee doesn't stay warm long enough to finish a whole cup.
Outside my window, two blue jays are having a go at each other. There's a bluebird nesting in a knot in the old oak tree in the front yard. The sun is starting to peek its head over the trees in the back of the property. A bright red cardinal is perched on the tip of the red flowering dogwood. The forsythia is at least half done opening its blooms.
When I open the door, everyone scatters. I think they're camera shy. It's too cold for me to sit still and wait for them to return.
It's currently 23 degrees and sunny. The high today should be in the upper 40s. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. I need another cup of coffee.
Hi Tom, I followed your link from Cameron's seed packet post...I am here to see your winter sowing collection. There isn't anyplace in my house to sow anything so I was interested to hear you say they were lining your driveway. Did they start indoors? I'll look around while I'm here!
clay and limestone
Hi Tom, I wandered into your blog from heaven knows where as I've lost track! I think I started with a link about Japanese Gardens - as I'm building one in my garden at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your site and I've sent the link for your wonderful models to First-Born as she is at university doing Theatre Design and they have to make lots of scale models. I think yours may well inspire her!
Gail, if you click on the tag that says Wintersowing, most of those posts will come up. Everything wintersown is done outside. No cheating, no hoophouse, no greenhouse. All done with plastic bottles and containers for me. is THE site to find out about it.
Nutty, thanks for the compliments too. I hope your daughter has a great time building those models. Fortunately, a laser cutter and 13 years of experience makes things go a lot faster. :)