Thursday, February 19, 2009

Green and the Psychology of Colors

Notice anything different this morning? I've changed the background of the blog to a soft green color. Why green?

Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.

Color Psychology

Green is also the prominent color inside my house. One of the bedrooms is a light grass green.


The living room is a sage green that changes colors during the day based on the weather.


The dining room is a dark greenish brown.


The bathroom is a dark gray with green undertones.


Eventually, every room in the house will be painted with some version of green. I find the color and all its variations to be soothing. Now, if the trees would cooperate and give us some outside green, I'll be happier. Spring is coming.

43 degrees, light fog, with sunlight streaming through the trees out back. Thunderstorms and rain again last night.


  1. You have a lovely house. Green in the bathroom adds a nice touch.

  2. I love your home and it's colors! Looks like the trim and detail work is wonderful. Cottages are the best and the gardens of them are what interest me most.

  3. Wonderful color choices.

    I've always been a green girl. Love nature, love plants, love the color. Besides, emeralds are my birth stone. Green, green, green. During the 80's I was miserable because I craved deep rich greens for decorating, but all around me were blues and mauves.

    Charming house. I'm also coveting your rain. Texas is pretty dry these days.

  4. I love green. I've noticed that there is a lot of green in my house too. This time of year green is so refreshing and holds such promise.

  5. Very cool house--I like the mantle and the diamond panes in the windows. Always great to meet another NC blogger. Thanks for the link!

  6. You know why hospitals really use green? If you stare at blood on a white sheet and then look at a white wall, you see green spots. So, they paint walls, especially in the operating room, GREEN.

    On a happier note, stare at an orange marigold for a while, and then look at the green leaves. They'll look blue. Really.

  7. Hospitals used to paint operating walls green because staring at blood on white sheets and then looking at white walls causes one to see green spots.

    On a happier note, if you stare at an orange Marigold and then look at its green leaves, the leaves will look blue. Really. I learned that from Gertrude Jekyll.

  8. Hi Tom, My computer nook is green, as are my bedroom and dining room too! I saw the progress of your renovations..really great job! All your shades of rooms and blog are wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hey Tom, nice green background. So soooothing!

  10. Thanks everyone. I'm happy with the way the house has come out so far. We'll see about this green background though. It's making me want some Girl Scout cookies. :)

  11. I personally am a green lover, but back in my theatre days, green is one of the worst colors to put on the stage. It's not a karma thing, green tends to make the actors look sickly, so no green lighting,green costumes, or green sets unless that is the effect that the director wants. Of course, there are always exceptions.

  12. Hi Tom,
    I've gotten behind in my blog reading again. I'm reading from my blog instead of blotanical, as it takes an extra click to see more than one post at a time.

    I love your house, the paint, and the character of all the details. The chandelier, woodwork, bathroom fixtures, and more are awesome! You did a great job picking out your house, and have done a great job with the work you've done on it.

    Oh, thanks for faving me on blotanical.
