Wednesday, February 11, 2009



I ended the day almost the same way it began. After dinner, I went out to the hammock. While I was laying there watching the clouds roll by, listening to the last of the birds, and wondering what that squirrel was eating, I noticed a bat flying in circles around the backyard. In the past year and a half, I've managed to increase the size of the yard by taking out some trees and overgrown shrubs. There's a lot more sky to see and plenty of room for bats to move around. I see a lot of them during the summer just before dark.

Tonight, it was just a single bat. Flying erratic circles and loops and figure-8 patterns. He'd swoop down every now and then to fetch some critter near the grass. About 5 minutes later, another bat joined him. The two chased each other round and round. Eventually the suitor (or competitor) disappeared. The hammock is attached to a flowering maple on one end. There were moths fluttering around the tips of the branches where the flowers are opening. The bat and I had a near miss experience.

Normally, I'm not a squeamish person, but being hit in the face by a bat isn't something that I want to experience. So I left him to his task of finding bugs and critters. I've been thinking about building a bat house for a while now. I need to do that soon. Maybe that will help get rid a few thousand of the mosquitoes in the yard every summer.


  1. We've been thinking about getting a bat house. I think any bats around here are probably hibernating. Post a pic of your bat house if you get one made.

  2. That's pretty neat. I have seen a bat fly through our yard, but only in the summer. I don't think being hit in the face by a bat is something I'd want either.

  3. Had to chuckle. I have a bat house. Been in the shed since I moved here 6 years ago and doing nobody any good back there. I should hang it up...
