Saturday, January 24, 2009

The longest day

Saturday is nearly over. I went to my parents' this morning to cut down a few red oaks for firewood. We've only got a few more weeks of really cold weather, but I was out. It burns, but it's a slow fire. Hopefully, the dry air of the basement will help cure the wood before I use it. More chopping will need to be done tomorrow.

Tonight, I took some time to presprout some seeds. I put passionvine, hibiscus, and some unnamed salvia into coffee filters and ziplock baggies. Once they've germinated, I will move them to soil and place them on the rack downstairs. I also took a cutting from the orange brugmansia that will go out in a trade on Monday.

In the hoophouse, everything got watered well. The gardenias are looking a little ragged with all the cold weather lately. The cold season veggies are germinating nicely. I saw some really nice purple seedlings that can only be my red cabbages.

On Sunday, I plan to spend some time in the yard. I don't have any plans yet, but I need to be outside messing around. I might divide my echinacea plant. Or maybe the coreopsis 'Full Moon'.

The high today was 60 with a low expected around freezing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you'll have plenty to plant once the weather warms. Sometimes it's nice to get out in the yard even if there's not much to do, just to check on things.
    60 sounds warm to me, it's in the 30's here!
